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  D-A-D-D will attempt to bring you the information on stories about police officer's and the tragedy's  they encounter daily, that will make you stop to say WTH! This blog has been set up to help young driver's become safer driver's.

     I recently made a trip across town and could not believe the driver I followed did not get one blink use done right. This could be the reason I so many die, when their parents don't  know how to drive safely.  Then all we can do except our children to die at the hands of they friends.  When you ride as a passenger in someones car then they have control of whether you die or live to see your family.  There is no reason for speeding and reckless driving behavior on the streets where we call home. So learn to use the turn indicator, before you make lane changes or enter a turn only lane.  There is no need for turn signal after you are in the turn only lanes.  I watched a police officer do just this on my way across town.  He then slowed and waved a motorist across the Double Yellow line, then they were almost hit by driver going the other way!

  Anytime some one dies at the Hands of a dumb driver  then, this should happen to All.  When you kill or hurt someone with your car you should spend time in jail and have No licenses in the future without lots of schooling!

  Why do we as Driver's not want to pay attention behind the wheel, it could been Life or Death to all where a wreck occurs. Read more at the link.

   When the fire chief has no clue about driving yet he was hired to driver a vehicle for work and then wrecked it while  speeding to a fire. The SUV went into oncoming traffic and No reckless driving ticket!

  When this happens for a police officer , it's always a good thing. While doing his job, he stopping a Speeding Driver and caught himself a fugitive from Ohio!

My Blog List

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  • I SWIL Wrong in America - I SWIL has no idea what is going on with todays Kids and their parents. Ask yourself, how as a parent can you do things like this to your Children? W...
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  • Auto parts - The links found here could help you in your efforts to save gas and have some fun making your ride look different from other peoples cars. Tires th...
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  • ...Love Others As Yourself - "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your might and loves other as yourself." Now I do not know if that i...
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  • The JP club " Rip-Off" - The JP club "Rip Off",could possible be the number One "Rip Off" on the net.The JP club "Rip Off" makes big promises for big returns on your money. They sa...
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About Me

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My name is Don and I'm a dad of two sons and I have always been a believer that we are our in control of our own lives. My two Boys are the most important thing in my life and the means to make a better. When a person that takes control of their life and stop passing the buck! The more I watch the things around me the more I wonder how it got like this, so far out on a limb with the values in life! Let's work together and make a better place to live, work and to raise a family! These are just some of the things I would like to see change. Thank you for Following My blogs.